
Episode 72 Part 1: Jeepers Creepers

Episode 71: Not A Good Look For Us

Episode 68: Repressed Sexual Energy

Episode 67: Not CM Punk

Episode 66 Hopes and Dreams in Colorado Springs

LLL: Best Wishes Warmest Regards Spectacular

Episode 65: I Went To The ER

IAPW Double Or Nothing Spectacular 2k23

Episode 64, Captain Trips. Doug brings the pain and the prose.

Episode 63

Episode 62: The Devil In Your Ear. Picture of Kenny Omega and Don Callis

Episode 60, Every Picture of Vader is Cool, picture of Vader and Rick Rude with a big ass gun.

Its All Pro Wrestling Presents... Episode #59 Wrestling Is Always There & Always Here

Episode 58: Bullet Club Extra Gold Is Fine

Episode 57, Hogwear

Episode #56 Doug Learns About BUSSY

Episode 55 YUM YUM

Moving On Presents: Episode 54 The Most Entertaining 98 Seconds of Your Life

Episode #52 Company in My Back

IAPW Episode 51 Best Match Ever

Sami Zayn

Tajiri and Muta spray their mist into our hearts and minds.

Asuka and her spooky blue drool

Will Ospreay and Kenny Omega at WK17

Episode 46 Back & To The Left. MJF looks hunky.

Too many hunks to count

Elder Jericho, the savior of Ring of Honor

Tony Kahn, and CM Punk. One works with children, the other is a fail-son.

Episoide 42, the Finger Man. Jon Moxley flipping everyone off cause he can

Mini-Sode 41, Big Show rides on his dad's coffin. Cute?

Episode 40, So What If It's Late. Doink doesn't like you.

Episode #39, Viscera is watching you and you don't know it

Episode #39, Coffee Boys, Claudio likes Coffee, so does Doug I guess

Episode #37, Konosuke Takeshita outside of a Cinnabon

Episode 36: Flair For the Gold, Ric Flair doesn't need the money, eat his chicken wings

Doug hanging out with his new best friend Royce Isaacs

Episode #33, KOR: King Of The Ring. Kyle O'Reilly is good at wrestling

Episode 32 Chicanery, MJF Promo from Dynamite

Double Or Nothing 2k22 Spectacular Eddie Kingston covered in blood

Episode #31 They're Live Pal, Adam Page and CM Punk face off

Episode 30, Stunt Grannies, Ric Flair the OG Stunt Granny

Johnny Gargano enjoys the Marvel Cinematic Universe

Ole Anderson is a true grumpy bastard

Kota Ibushi in a bathtub, hubba hubba

Episode 26, Oh God, the Boys. Dalton Castle with his boys

Cody Rhodes gets stuck during his Raw Entrance

Seth Rollins steals a leprechaun's money

IAPW Episode 22

IAPW Episode 21

IAPW Episode 20

2 cool dudes hanging out having fun

Shane McMahon is a winner at a wrestling event held in Saudi Arabia

Jeff Jarrett wears a cowboy hat

Wildcat Willie is force to be reckoned with.

The Bunny covered in blood

Bret Hart and Santa Claus hanging out

Jesse Ventura pointing at you

Eddie Kingston is GOD

Two spooky dudes hanging out

Cody and Brandi Rhodes take a picture in front of a space ship!

The Butcher is the coolest wrestler