Awful Wrestling Shirts

We tend to buy a lot of wrestling merchandise. Action figures, 8x10s, stickers, cards, you name it we usually buy it. However, we mostly spend most of our money on wrestling t shirts. And damnit one of the best things to do is find the worst designed, poorly thought out and completely off the mark wrestling shirts out there. Heed our warnings, and spend you’re $$$ wisely!

You’ll see of the least try hard designs or just overall bad decisions everyone from top to bottom can make. If you want to support these wrestlers just Venmo them some money instead of wasting your time.

Special Father’s Day edition to all those dad’s who have fetishized pro wrestling to such an extent that you took out a 2nd mortgage to buy the limited edition nWo snakeskin spinner belt from wwe shop. 👍

Experience the world of some the most laziest, weakest designed, and worst wrestling shirts in all of the land!

We’re live pal to bring you another installment of awful wrestling shirts. Whether you want poor effort, confusing messages, or just overall horrible clothes that should not be worn out in public, we got you!

“Prometheus stole fire from the gods and gave it to man. For this he was chained to a rock and tortured for eternity.”