Every Picture of Vader Is Cool, Episode #60
This one is a little late, but from what I can tell it will be well worth the wait. This ain’t no vinegar this is some bourgeoisie type episode meant to massage your ears!
A pro wrestling site and podcast hosted by men in their 40s!
This one is a little late, but from what I can tell it will be well worth the wait. This ain’t no vinegar this is some bourgeoisie type episode meant to massage your ears!
Bill’s dead. So instead Doug tries to host a mini-sode with his 25 year old daughter again! In this mini-sode the pair have opened up their hearts and souls for you to bear witness.
Easter Schmeaster! The boys are back and boy are they full of chocolate and hard boiled eggs! Listen as they struggle not to pass gas, and discuss pro wrestling for you all.
What a WrestleMania right?! The excitement, and the spectacle boy howdy, what a show! Well it’s time to gather round and listen to Doug and Bill ramble on and on about it!
t’s WrestleMania Weekend the equivalent to Flag Day for all wrestling fans, and guess what, Doug & Bill are wrestling fans! So this episode they are breaking down the weekend that was, and will be, that is under the shadow of WrestleMania.
Doug and Bill recorded a little earlier than usual as they had prior engagements. However, they care very much about you so they decided to make this episode extra special.
This week’s episode is brought to you by Moving On, starring Lily Tomlin & Jane Fonda in limited theaters 3/17! It was 3/16 Day and the boys had something to say!
Bill died. So instead Doug tries to host a mini-sode with his 25 year old daughter.
Oh boy, did the boys miss you! That’s right Doug & Bill have wanted to be a part of your lives this week, but only in a friend kinda way.
Well after some deliberation the powers that be have decided to make Doug and Bill make more episodes for your listening enjoyment.