Big Guido, Episode #18
This isn’t Big Guido
Look I know Big Guido isn’t the guy in the episode picture, but Bill swears up and down it is. His mind has melted. Listen as the boys produce one of their shortest, most concise, and informative episodes yet! In it they go over Bullet Club, Twin Peaks Fire Walk With Me, AEW happenings, the New Japan Cup, HBK, gluten free pizza, IMPACT, Sing 2, and of course the MJF Promo. Man that’s a whole lotta stuff for a babbling idiot and Doug. Sit down, grab a nice hot tea, don’t look at Twitter, and curl up with a nice episode of It’s All Pro Wrestling.
Here are a couple of questions for you after listening:
- Do you know and understand the signs of someone having a stroke?
- What is the difference between a stroke and a panic attack?
- Who do you think will win the New Japan Cup?
- What is your favorite pizza topping?
My answers:
- Kind of worried about Bill, found him in his library strung out amongst his Chris Jericho tell all books, bleeding from his ears and nose. I was able to put him to bed next to his wife. I like her.
- He told me it could have been a panic attack the following morning while he gave me my oats to eat. I’m just not so sure.
- Zach Sabre Jr.
- Call me old fashioned but I’m a pepperoni and mushrooms kind of person.
Links from the Podcast
Songs Used In The Podcast:
- “Hanging Tree” by Queens of the Stone Age on Songs for the Deaf
- “Twin Peaks Main Theme” by Angelo Badalamenti on Twin Peaks (Music from the Limited Event Series)
- “Voodoo Child (Slight Return)” by Jimi Hendrix on Electric Ladyland
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