Folks & Things We Enjoyed 2k23- Promotions

It’s 2024 and yeah everyone already did their best of’s, polls, and the what-haves-you to celebrate all that was more than magnificient in 2023. Well, I have stuff to do and this is late. Last year we had our IAPW Fold & Things We Enjoyed 2k22, and the year before that we had our Holiday Buyer’s Guide podcast episode. So to keep up with tradition, because tradition is all we have left on this godforsaken hellscape, we are once again looking back and the people and inanimate institutions that made 2023 a good place to be, wrestling wise. Oh, and you should definitely keep an eye on them for 2024. I’m what my smart wife calls an “early adopter” when it comes to trends or something like that.

If you’re bored check out wrestlers part 2, wrestlers part 2, and wrestling and non-wrestling adjacent things we’ve

Also, I know this is way later than it should be, but fuck it.


One thing I should make clear is that this is a biased list based purely on what my eyes see, and what my brain configures as good. I am by no means an expert when it comes to wrestling, and I have not watched even 10% of the wrestling available within the last year. However, I’ve seen my fair share of what is out there, I know what I like, and usually I’m right about these things. If there is someone you think should be on here, awesome good for you. If you think there is someone on this list that shouldn’t be, fuck off and go write your blog thing.

Lucha Libre & Laughs (LLL)- Denver, Colorado

Look, we have covered three of their shows on special podcast episodes (Best Wishes Warmest Regards, Hands of Fate, and Deep Hurting Spectaculars), we go out of our way to promote these shows, and we never have anything bad to say about them. We’re fucking money marks for them, its a fact. However, there are multiple reasons why.

Initially it goes back to the fact that this was the first independent show both Doug and I ever went to, I don’t count the weird AWA(?) show we went to in Greeley where we a saw a Doink, Sgt. Slaughter, and Sheik in 2000. It was the first time we were able to see significant independent talent at the time, (Colt Cabana, Chuck Taylor, Chris Hero, Orange Cassidy, Taya Valkyrie, etc.), but also solid local folk, that were given the opportunity to show what they could do in front of a different type of atmosphere.

That atmosphere has evolved as the promotion has evolved. Sure there are still the “hey let’s go make fun of wrestling” folks that go, but that is a good thing. LLL has the ability to not take themselves too seriously, and roll with the punches. Hell, they have comedians in between matches, and also doing the only decent live house commentary in the states.

However, LLL is not just strictly yucks and gaffaws. Since COVID they have been booking some of the best technical, and athletic matches in the country. Matches such as Minoru Suzuki vs Royce Isaacs, Austin Reddick vs Masha Slamovich, Dark Sheik vs Sandra Moone, Isaacs vs Bryan Keith, and Heidi Howitzer vs WARHORSE are just as, if not better than any of the big time independent promotions currently running. The ability to run these matches takes the non-wrestling fan, and makes them into a fan, even if it is for one night.

In the last year plus, Lucha Libre & Laughs has sold out every show, with 600+ in attendance. In Denver, and the Rocky Mountain Region, it is the wrestling event to go to. Eyes are finally starting to see what this promotion is doing nationally, and they should be.

If you really want to know how Doug and I feel about LLL, I would suggest listening to the Best Wishes Warmest Regards episode. Rumor in the dirt sheets is that we made people cry while listening.

Lucha Libre & Laughs: Best Wishes Warmest Regards June 2nd/3rd
LLL’s Two Day, 10th Anniversary Show Best Wishes Warmest Regards. 6.2.23 & 6.3.23

Lucha Libre & Laughs

DEADLOCK Pro-Wrestling (DPW)- Raleigh, NC

Look man, I know we’re late to Deadlock, I get it, but fuck they’re good. Not only are they good, but they are likely the best promotion in the United States.

Do I know the history of them, no. My guess is that it was either the podcast guys started the damn thing, or the damn thing started the podcast. However, do I know who their champions are, and what their cards have been for the last year, yes. I also know that they have not only taken over the North Carolina, but have been venturing out to Japan, New Jersey, and making stops in Chicagoland and Houston here shortly.

In just three years they have become what Pro Wrestling Gurellia was for the 2010s, the place a wrestler wants to go to be recognized as one of the best in the United States. Throughout last year DPW consistently booked Bryan Keith, Mike Bailey, Emi Sakura, Tom Lawlor and West Coast Wrecking Crew, Violence is Forever, Jake Something, Calvin Tankman, Adam Priest, Killer Kelly, the Motor City Machine Guns, and so many more. A consistent roster of highly talented wrestlers, producing high workrate matches, all the while being what seems to be in a very organized and focused promotion is refreshing.

If there is to be another independent resurgence of what we saw in the 2010s DPW is going to be one of its leaders.

New Texas Pro Wrestling- Abilene, TX

It’s time to talk about Texas. As a state I can take it or leave it. However in wrestling terms the eyes of the nation needs to take a long hard look at Texas again, and New Texas Pro is the leader of the state.

Now anyone who has paid any attention to Texas would say that Booker T’s Reality of Wrestling (ROW) is Texas independent wrestling, and you can certainly think that. Booker has produced some of the best to come out of the state, Bryan Keith, VertVixen, Mysterious Q, Rok-C (Roxanne Perez) and more. He has given these talents the ability to work a television friendly style that helps paves the way to mainstream success. Through his connection in WWE, Booker has the ability to bring in guest “scouts” to help hone these skills.

While all of these are incredibly important to become a wrestler, ROW is sterile, and homogeneous. This is where New Texas steps in. New Texas offers many of the talents of ROW to experience wrestling as it really is in the real world. They compete with wrestlers of differing styles, skill, and recognition, while still working in a professional environment. In other words, New Texas features those within the ring and not just the owner.

Some of the most entertaining shows I have watched this year was New Texas’ Five Year Anniversary Show. I tuned into it, like I’m sure most did for Bryan Keith vs Timothy Thatcher, but in-turn was introduced to the likes of Just Nick, Zack Zilla, Raychell Rose, to name a few. The show top to bottom had a feeling of cohesion and respect between all parties involved from fan to wrestler to promotion. New Texas Pro has something very special going on for it.

New Texas Pro Wrestling

Tokyo Joshi Pro Wrestling (TJPW)- Tokyo, Japan

Are you sick of pro wrestling? Do you hate the idea that you are a pro wrestling fan? Do you wish for the eternal sleep to engulf you in its ever loving darkness?

Well if you said yes or no to either of these questions, Tokyo Joshi Pro Wrestling is for you! I’m not kidding, TJPW is perfect in every way. If you love wrestling for combat, TJPW is for you. If you love wrestling ironically, TJPW is for you. If you need to be cheered up by bright colors and smiles, TJPW is for you.

TJPW is for everyone, just get Wrestle Universe.


Check out wrestlers part 2, wrestlers part 2, and wrestling and non-wrestling adjacent things we’ve enjoyed.

Folks & Things We Enjoyed 2k23- Promotions